Happy Thanksgiving: Counseling and the Holidays

Whether you are alone, working, traveling, with strangers, with chosen family, or with biological family, the holidays can prompt a wide range of emotions and struggles.

This time of year can also be one of the most difficult to find the motivation to start counseling. Days are shorter, schedules are busier, and we can always put down counseling as one of our New Year's resolutions, right?!

[image description: A mountain-side winter scene shows a clouded sky, deep snow on the ground, and snow on the branches of multiple pine trees. ©Jessica Dallman]

[image description: A mountain-side winter scene shows a clouded sky, deep snow on the ground, and snow on the branches of multiple pine trees. ©Jessica Dallman]

In honor of the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am providing a holiday special:

[image description: A red stamp states "LIMITED TIME OFFER". Photo by roxanabalint/iStock / Getty Images]

[image description: A red stamp states "LIMITED TIME OFFER". Photo by roxanabalint/iStock / Getty Images]

Contact Jess for an intake session and fill out the preliminary paperwork by December 7th, and receive your first three sessions FREE!

Sessions can take place in either the Denver office or the Boulder office. Services available in English, American Sign Language, and Spanish.

All children [and adults] should be taught to unconditionally accept, approve, admire, appreciate, forgive, trust, and ultimately, love their own person.
— Asa Don Brown